Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. It is known that infection with the HPV virus is an important risk factor which may induce the cellular changes that may lead to cancer. In most cases, the lesion heals by itself and does not develop cancer. There si no specific knowledge about why it sometimes goes wrong. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a known risk factor for viral infection. So we already know that treatment for BV can reduce the risk of infection with HPV. It turns out, however, that a good population of lactic acid bacteria also has a direct protective effect as to the lesion progresses to cancer. Motevasi and colleagues at Tehran University have published a study of the effect of lactobacilli on cell cultures, both healthy cells from the cervix (cervical) and corresponding cancer cells. They studied two common "good" lactic acid bacteria, namely Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus crispatus in many different forms, and the conclusion is very clear: Culture fluid from both lactobacilli inhibits both healthy and diseased cells. For the healthy cells the inhibition is exclusively caused by the lactic acid contained in the liquid, while the cancer cells are inhibited considerably more, exceeding the effect which can be attributed to lactic acid. Other studies also show that lactic acid bacteria can inhibit the development of cancer cells. Why LadyBalance? When the tests show that it is the lactic acid bacteria that makes the difference. Of course, because the experience shows that LadyBalance is the reliable and stable method to create and maintain a good microbiota. LadyBalance lactose tablets were evaluated by a broad-based clinical trial in Vietnam. A not expected finding was that the lactose tablets had a significant effect on reducing the incidence of lesions on the cervix, where 77% of subjects with lactose were cured, while only 42% of controls had healed lesions.


Motevaseli, E et al. (2013): Normal and tumour cervical cells respond differently to vaginal lactobacilli, independent of pH and lactate. Journal of Medical Microbiology (2013), 62, 1065–1072; DOI 10.1099/jmm.0.057521-0