For a long time, the vaginal disorders have been classified as either BV caused by (facultative) anaerobic microorganisms like Gardnerella vaginalis – or Candidiosis caused by yeast belonging to the Candida group. Over the years, significant evidence hasbeen collected to show, that a third “condition” is relevant, when a woman has vaginal disturbances. This means that some women considering to have BV, in fact had AV.

The condition is now well described, as in the scientific paper: Aerobic vaginitis: No longer a stranger. Aerobic does not relate to exercise – only that the related microorganisms need oxygen to survive.Whereas BV has a prevalence of up to 50%, Aerobic vaginitis prevalence is lower – between 7 and 12%

The differences related to bacterial vaginosis are described in below:


Bacterial vaginosis

Aerobic vaginitis

Reduced number of lactic acid bacteria



Dominant microorganisms

Gardnerella vaginalis

Several others

E. coli, Staph. aureus, Streptocuccus, Enterococcus


Fishy smelling

Foul, rotten smell



Significantly increased



Red, edeamatous, ulcerations

Vulval burning or stinging

Colour of discharge

Gray, watery

Yellow, green, thick, mucoid

Bleeding points


Bleeding points and erosions

Vaginal sting and pain

Dyspareunia (problems in intercourse)




Granular aspects

Leucocytes, parabasal or immature epithelial cells

Agents sensitive to


Clindamycin more efficient- but resistance development!



Wet smear microscopy is the preferred diagnosis method. Prevalence of AV is increasingly identified in Europe and Asia, but yet still mostly underdiagnosed in US. A number of trials identify AV as the cause of vaginal disorders between 2 and 26%, with most likely prevalence of 10% of the tested women.

It is probable that several of the complications associated with BV in fact are caused by AV. This includes preterm delivery and preterm membrane rupture, sexually transmitted infections and HPV-induced cervix lesions.

There is increasing evidence, that certain lactic acid bacteria stimulate the immune defense in the vagina. It is not clear, whether the dominance of pathogenic organisms is caused by a weakened immune defense due to reduced number of lactic acid bacteria – or the other way around, that the pathogenic bacteria are pushing away the lactic acid bacteria.

Aerobe vaginitis og LadyBalance

Mikroorganismer, der forårsager bakteriel vaginose og candidiasis, kan ikke metabolisere lactose, og derfor betragtes brugen som næringsstof i vagina som sikker. Det er anderledesfor aerobe bakterier. Generelt kan de vokse på laktose, og nogle er relativt resistente over for syre. Men LadyBalance er blevet brugt af tusinder af kvinder med vaginale lidelser - med gode resultater. I henhold til de omtalte undersøgelser skal en betydelig del af disse kvinder have haft AV. Så hvorfor virker laktose også for AV?

Svaret skal ligge i det grundlæggende princip, som er bekræftet fordi ​​laktosetabletten virker. Vaginale gener er forårsaget af mangel på næringsstoffer, der fører til mangel på mælkesyrebakterier. Levering af næringsstoffer fører til øget antal mælkesyrebakterier og lindrer symptomerne. Mælkesyrebakterier stimulerer immunsystemet og bekæmper sygdomsbakterierne.

Kære bruger af LadyBalance vaginaltabletter. Hvis du har nogen erfaring med aerob vaginitis og laktosetabletter, bedes du informere os. Det næste bruger-undersøgelse vil inkluderer dette aspekt for at få et klarere overblik over effektiviteten mod AV.

Reference:  Donders et al.  (2017) Aerobic vaginitis: No longer a stranger. Research in Microbiology 168 845 - 858